Michael A. Sevilla
- mikesevilla3@gmail.com
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Department of Computer Science
Baskin School of Engineering
University of California, Santa Cruz

Dr. Michael Sevilla evaluates and designs distributed file system metadata management systems and has a special interest in storage system programmability and performance reproducibility. In 2015, Michael became part of the Center for Research in Open Source Software (CROSS) and led the Mantle project, which looked at file system metadata load balancing, consistency/durability semantics, and namespace structures. Some of the load balancing and consistency/durability work completed as part of his thesis was merged into the Ceph open-source project. Previously, he worked at Los Alamos National Laboratories, where he designed storage systems for HPC applications, and Hewlett Packard Enterprise's Advanced Development Team, where he designed storage solutions and reproducibility tools for big data processing stacks. Michael received his PhD and MS from the University of California, Santa Cruz, as part of the Systems Research Lab, and his BS from the University of California, Irvine.

His advisor at the University of California, Santa Cruz is Carlos Maltzahn, and a draft of his thesis, which was defended on April 25, 2018, can be found here.

Current CV and resume.

Refereed Publications: Conferences, Workshops, and Journals
[HotStorage '18] Tintenfisch: File System Namespace Schemas and Generators
M. Sevilla, R. Nasirigerdeh, C. Maltzahn, J. LeFevre, N. Watkins, P. Alvaro, M. Lawson, J. Lofstead
[P-RECS '18] Popper Pitfalls: Experiences Following a Reproducibility Convention
M. Sevilla, C. Maltzahn
[IPDPS '18] Cudele: An API and Framework for Programmable Consistency and Durability in a Global Namespace
M. Sevilla, I. Jimenez, N. Watkins, J. LeFevre, P. Alvaro, S. Finkelstein, P. Donnelly, C. Maltzahn
[CCGrid '18] Programmable Caches with a Data Management Language & Policy Engine
M. Sevilla, C. Maltzahn, P. Alvaro, R. Nasirigerdeh, B. Settlemyer, D. Perez, D. Rich, G. Shipman
[ICPE '18] quiho: Automated Performance Regression Testing Using Fine Granularity Resource Utilization Profiles
I. Jimenez, N. Watkins, M. Sevilla, J. Lofstead, C. Maltzahn
[IPDPSW '17] The Popper Convention: Making Reproducible Systems Evaluation Practical
I. Jimenez, M. Sevilla, N. Watkins, C. Maltzahn, J. Lofstead, K. Mohror, A. Arpaci-Dusseau, R. Arpaci-Dusseau
[HotStorage '17] DeclStore: Layering is for the Faint of Heart
N. Watkins, M. Sevilla, I. Jimenez, K. Dahlgren, P. Alvaro, Shel Finkelstein, C. Maltzahn
[EuroSys '17] Malacology: A Programmable Storage System
M. Sevilla, N. Watkins, I. Jimenez, P. Alvaro, S. Finkelstein, J. LeFevre, C. Maltzahn
[;login '16] Standing on the Shoulders of Giants by Managing Scientific Experiments Like Software
I. Jimenez, M. Sevilla, N. Watkins, C. Maltzahn, J. Lofstead, K. Mohror, R. Arpaci-Dusseau, and A. Arpaci-Dusseau
[SC '15] Mantle: A Programmable Metadata Load Balancer for the Ceph File System
M. Sevilla, N. Watkins, C. Maltzahn, I. Nassi, S. Brandt, S. Weil, G. Farnum, S. Fineberg
[LSPP '14] SupMR:Circumventing Disk and Memory Bandwidth Bottlenecks for Scale-up MapReduce
M. Sevilla, I. Nassi, K. Ioannidou, S. Brandt, C. Maltzahn
[DISCS '13] A Framework for an In-depth Comparison of Scale-up and Scale-out
M. Sevilla, I. Nassi, K. Ioannidou, S. Brandt, C. Maltzahn

Short Paper
[SoCC '16]         Poster: Brados: Declarative, Programmable Object Storage
N. Watkins, M. Sevilla, I. Jimenez, N. Ojha, P. Alvaro, C. Maltzahn,
[FAST '14] Poster: Exploring Resource Migration using the CephFS Metadata Cluster
M. Sevilla, S. Brandt, C. Maltzahn, I. Nassi, S. Fineberg
[FAST '14] Work-in-Progress: Exploring Resource Migration using the CephFS Metadata Cluster
M. Sevilla, S. Brandt, C. Maltzahn, I. Nassi, S. Fineberg

Employment History
