[HotStorage '18] |
Tintenfisch: File System Namespace Schemas and Generators
M. Sevilla, R. Nasirigerdeh, C. Maltzahn, J. LeFevre, N. Watkins, P. Alvaro, M. Lawson, J. Lofstead |
[P-RECS '18] |
Popper Pitfalls: Experiences Following a Reproducibility Convention
M. Sevilla, C. Maltzahn |
[IPDPS '18] |
Cudele: An API and Framework for Programmable Consistency and Durability in a Global Namespace
M. Sevilla, I. Jimenez, N. Watkins, J. LeFevre, P. Alvaro, S. Finkelstein, P. Donnelly, C. Maltzahn |
[CCGrid '18] |
Programmable Caches with a Data Management Language & Policy Engine
M. Sevilla, C. Maltzahn, P. Alvaro, R. Nasirigerdeh, B. Settlemyer, D. Perez, D. Rich, G. Shipman |
[ICPE '18] |
quiho: Automated Performance Regression Testing Using Fine Granularity Resource Utilization Profiles
I. Jimenez, N. Watkins, M. Sevilla, J. Lofstead, C. Maltzahn |
[IPDPSW '17] |
The Popper Convention: Making Reproducible Systems Evaluation Practical
I. Jimenez, M. Sevilla, N. Watkins, C. Maltzahn, J. Lofstead, K. Mohror, A. Arpaci-Dusseau, R. Arpaci-Dusseau |
[HotStorage '17] |
DeclStore: Layering is for the Faint of Heart
N. Watkins, M. Sevilla, I. Jimenez, K. Dahlgren, P. Alvaro, Shel Finkelstein, C. Maltzahn |
[EuroSys '17] |
Malacology: A Programmable Storage System
M. Sevilla, N. Watkins, I. Jimenez, P. Alvaro, S. Finkelstein, J. LeFevre, C. Maltzahn |
[;login '16] |
Standing on the Shoulders of Giants by Managing Scientific Experiments Like Software
I. Jimenez, M. Sevilla, N. Watkins, C. Maltzahn, J. Lofstead, K. Mohror, R. Arpaci-Dusseau, and A. Arpaci-Dusseau |
[SC '15] |
Mantle: A Programmable Metadata Load Balancer for the Ceph File System
M. Sevilla, N. Watkins, C. Maltzahn, I. Nassi, S. Brandt, S. Weil, G. Farnum, S. Fineberg |
[LSPP '14] |
SupMR:Circumventing Disk and Memory Bandwidth Bottlenecks for Scale-up MapReduce
M. Sevilla, I. Nassi, K. Ioannidou, S. Brandt, C. Maltzahn |
[DISCS '13] |
A Framework for an In-depth Comparison of Scale-up and Scale-out
M. Sevilla, I. Nassi, K. Ioannidou, S. Brandt, C. Maltzahn |
[SoCC '16]         |
Poster: Brados: Declarative, Programmable Object Storage
N. Watkins, M. Sevilla, I. Jimenez, N. Ojha, P. Alvaro, C. Maltzahn, |
[FAST '14] |
Poster: Exploring Resource Migration using the CephFS Metadata Cluster
M. Sevilla, S. Brandt, C. Maltzahn, I. Nassi, S. Fineberg |
[FAST '14] |
Work-in-Progress: Exploring Resource Migration using the CephFS Metadata Cluster
M. Sevilla, S. Brandt, C. Maltzahn, I. Nassi, S. Fineberg |