
K. Caballero, J. Barajas, R. Akella. The Generalized Dirichlet Distribution in Enhanced Topic Detection. In proceedings CIKM 2012 (Aceptance Rate: 13.4%)

K. Caballero, R. Akella. Incorporating Statistical Topic Information in Relevance Feedback. In proceedings SIGIR 2012 pp 190 (Aceptance Rate:36.4)

R. Akella, Z. Xu, J. Barajas, K Caballero. Knowledge Sciences in Service Automation: Integration Models and Perspectives for Service Centers. In Proc IEEE CASE 2009.

K. L. Caballero, J. Barajas, O. Pujol, J. Mauri, Using Reconstructed IVUS Images for Coronary Plaque Classification. In Proc. of 29th Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, EMBS 2007, pp. 2167-2170.

K. L. Caballero, J. Barajas, O. Pujol, J. Mauri, P. Radeva, Reconstructing IVUS images for an accurate tissue classification. In Proc of VISSAP 2007.

K. L. Caballero, O. Pujol, J. Barajas, J. Mauri, P. Radeva, Assessing In-vivo IVUS Tissue Classification accuracy between Normalized Image Reconstruction and RF Analysis. In Proc. of First International Workshop on Computer Vision for Intravascular and Intracardiac Imaging from MICCAI 2006, pages 82-89.

K. L. Caballero, J. Barajas, O. Pujol, N. Savatella, P. Radeva, In-vivo IVUS Tissue Classification: a comparison between RF Signal Analysis and Reconstructed Images, In Proc. of CIARP 2006. LNCS 4225, pp. 137-146. Cancun, Mexico.

K. L. Caballero, J. Barajas, O. Pujol, J. Mauri, P. Radeva, Using RF Reconstructed IVUS Images in Tissue Classification, In Proc. of Computers in Cardiology 2006, Valencia, Spain (in press).