

Anne M. Sullivan

UC Santa Cruz

School of Engineering

Expressive Intelligence Studio




anne (at)






About Me

cv (pdf)
















About Me


Photography/Travel - All the photos on this website were taken by me.
I keep a blog of my travels, photography, and artistic stuff here.

Geek Crafts
- Quilting, cross-stitch, mosaics, etc.
All of these are more fun when you're crafting pixel-based images!
Crafts made so far:
Yoshi Glass Tile Mosaic, 1up Mushroom Quilted Pillow

Video Games
- Casual games, DS games, and World of Warcraft

- My rescue cat. I adopted her from a Purrfect Pals. She has some lingering abandonment issues but brings a lotta laughs to my life.
I have pictures of her here.

Mishka - My rescue Saint Bernard. We adopted her from Saints of the West, a Saint Bernard rescue. She's the most amazing dog ever! She's the one in the picture above (on the RIGHT. eesh.)

Find Me

Facebook - Anne Sullivan

LinkedIn - Anne Sullivan

World of Warcraft - Flonne on Elune (Alliance/Priest)