Monday, May 4.

We took the day off of work today to do work around the house, and finish (ha ha) moving in.


We go down to Orchard Supply Hardway, and I empty my wallet on the counter, and buy as much stuff as I can. I understand this is a common act of homeowners. We buy such luxuries as towel racks.


Hey, you know what? Our old phone has been turned off, but we don't have our new phone turned on yet. I thought they would switch at the same time. Right now, if you call the old number, it says to please call the new number. If you call the new number, it says that it is no longer in service. (Kinda reminds me of the joke, How do you keep a blonde busy? [over] How do you keep a blond busy? [over]..) Anyway, I call them up around 1:00, and they have no idea who I am, no idea about my new phone number, and no idea in general. After about 20 minutes of convincing them that I exist, and talking to various managers, I am told that it will be taken care of, and they will call me later. I then vanish into Pac Bell's Black Hole(tm)...

later that afternoon....:

Hey, you know what? I still don't have phone hooked up. I use Jill's cell phone this time (she has one of those deal that has "free" anytime minutes) and I spend 33 minutes talking with 3 people, who have finally figured out who I am, but don't understand what I want... sigh... After 33 minutes, the woman tells me, "Oh, your hookup will take place by 5:00." She promised me that it would be there..

5:00 pm

Hey, the phone guy came out to install two brand new phones.... huh? Well, ok. He hooked them up and left. Super, now I can call out. But wait a minute, how come I can call my number from my phone, and it rings? Well, they installed line #1 into line #2, and vise-versa. Crap! I go out to the phone box, and discover the spagetti that is my new hell. The previous owners had three lines, and rather than running two cables (2 lines in one cable, 1 line in the other) they decided to run three cables all throughout the house. I figure out how to swap the two lines, call the number, and its busy. Good. I verify by using the cell phone. Yeah, it works! Looks like they got it rightholdoneaminute. There is no caller-id coming up. The flubbed up this part of the order too. I call up Pac Bell, but they have closed their office by now (now I now why they install lines at 5:00)


Someone at Pac Bell calls me (on my cell phone) to ask if everything is OK. There is a God! ;-) I explain each and every mix up, and she promises that she will take care of it. I then end up in the Pacific Bell Black Hole(tm)

I spend the rest of the evening until dark trying to figure out the spagetti phone setup. I manage to disconnect the one working phone line only once. I failed to get line two anywhere, and had to give up because of bugs (the ones that draw blood) and darkness.


Install the luxuries bought earlier in the day. While I am playing "Tool Time" Jill is unpacking boxes (and doing a damn good job of it too!)