Friday, May 1

Delivery Day

Today's Itenerary

How much do you want to bet that something will go wrong?


Cell phone rings. Carpet cleaners are lost. I give them directions, and they show up about 9:30 (30 minutes late.)


Cable man shows up right on time. Allright! He tells me that he can't run a cable upstairs because I need to give him a note signed by the homeowner's association president saying that it is OK to run a cable on the outside of the house. I look, and there are dozens of cables running every which way already. All the neighbor's houses look the same way. sigh... At least I get one TV hooked up.


Carpet cleaners done. They worked fast. Of course by now, its raining outside, so I'm told that it will take "a little longer" for the carpet to dry. Uh oh..


Couch is delivered on schedule. Its even seup properly. Woo Hoo!


You know... the fridge hasn't shown up. A call to the store reveals that they are totally lost, and don't know where we are. They have been calling us all day, but we haven't been answering the phone. Well Duh! We are Moving. A quick call to retrieve messages from the machine reveals no messages. If they truly wanted to get ahold of us, why didn't they leave a message? After talking to the manager at the store, and him assuring us that he knows exactly where we live, and 5 minutes later the deliver people calling us asking where in the hell we live, the fridge shows up.


The bed frame and matress show up on time. The bed frame has no instructions, and is in several pieces. I put it together and take it apart 3 times before everything is where it should be.


We head back to the old place, and start that last minute packing. Wow, there was alot more of it than I thought. Sometime before 2 in the morning we finally get to sleep.