Here are some ideas Top page k i n p i x You are invited to the family album of the internet Let's see how good you are at recognizing fellow kin We will present you with a baby face and four pixs of grownups One of them is their mom or dad Klick and see whether you are right Buttons on this page (numbers are only there so that I later expand on each button). Same rack of buttons should be on all pages! 1) play round 2) login 3) why login? 4) add immage pair 5) why this game 6) about us 7) rational for ratings 8) confidentiality Subpage 1) When you click play round then you immediately are thrown into the first round "next round (any key)" has to be easily accessable Alternate: A shrunken version of current pixs with ralationship appears on top right and the next round is immediately displayed after you choose If they want to see the previous pixs in large again they can use the back button The read corners around the baby and parent are not strong enough Suggestion: Drop the three other pics to a slightly lower level and move the parent up (closer to baby) Subpage 2) Login is useful if you want to see how good you are compared to other netizens Name and password should be easily to remember We collect some basic info (voluntary) so that we can see whether grandma's are really better at this game Subpage 3) Make up any name (that you can remember easily)! We will keep tallies so that you can compare your skill against uncle Joe and grandma Ottilie The password keeps others from using your name Subpage 4) Show a little sample picture of BABY image and PARENTT image Use the term baby and parent Subpage 5) We want to create a game that is fun for all age groups and not just for "adults" Our background is in the design of "learning algorithms". So the task is to find methods that will automatically present each parent with similar looking decoys. In other words we are trying to make the game challenging for the you We have to do this based on history of each picture in the game Subpage 6: Manfred K. Warmuth (link) teaches Computer Science and the University of California at Santa Cruz. His interests include: Machine Learning, Statistics, Game Theory, Bee Keeping Jason ..... Subpage 7: To be filled in Subpage 8: We will not use your picture for any purpose and will keep info about sex and age confidential. We might publish papers about the ratings schemes, etc, in academic journals.