Mary's (2nd) Home

Its been a year since I graduated from UCSC in Compter Information Science! I am currently a full time consultant with Keane Inc working as a software engineer at GE nuclear in San Jose. I am also a fulltime especially proud mother to two fantastic children Erik( 10 going on 2nd lifetime) and Danielle(absolutely ageless but currently 6) AND a fulltime other half to my soulmate(aka husband of 10+ years) Fritz AND....AND....AND. ..

Some Personal Favorite Hot Links

Star Birth in M16
Santa Cruz Live Video
UCSC CIS/CSE Aumni Home Page

I'm working on my collection of gif files so I can add something interesting to this page and hopefully very soon some 3d stuff too!

If you have comments or suggestions, email me at

This page last modified on July 5 1996