Peak Transit Advertisement System, LLC (PTAS)
Founder and Director
April 2010 - December 2010
Founded and directed internet ad company for mass transit
applications. Created long-form business plan and business proposal. Performed detailed market
analysis, created strategic sales plan, analyzed costs and projected
income over time.
Appropriate Infrastructure Development Group (AIDG)
Water Systems
Group Leader, Grant Writer, and Business Incubation Team Member
November 2008
- November 2009
Led water systems group, which analyzed status
of Guatemalan water systems (potable, irrigation, rainwater management, and
wastewater) and wrote report evaluating potential for AIDG-incubated business to
succeed in Guatemalan water system markets. Worked with team to create
business-training workshop content and evaluation tools for use as base of all
AIDG’s usiness plan competitions. Assisted IT staff with software
installs, network issues, automated backups, security policies, and user
training. Frequently worked in Spanish.
LGS Innovations, LLC
Network System Engineer Consultant and
January 2007 - May 2008
Network research included network security
protocol innovation, programming, test-bed network setup, and research paper
publication. Worked with high level LGS Innovations executives and head
researchers to produce annual Independent Research and Development (IR&D)
Report, which details financial and project summaries of all IR&D programs.
Worked with core system architecture team on
multibillion-dollar SBInet network integration project. With team, created architecture
products specifying communications requirements, for use by all network
communications related working groups. Traced network configurations and
network communications streams to analyze and recommend changes. Documented
analysis and presented it in person, by phone, and by web conference. Met
with specialists and groups throughout project, to gather and distribute
Bell Laboratories
Network Security Researcher
June 2004 - December 2006
Network security research and IETF, ITU, and ISO
standards work. Job responsibilities included mixture of technical research,
making presentations, documenting progress to customers, publishing research
results, and authoring proposals for funding. Performed research involving
virus detection, mobile ad-hoc network routing, secure multicast, static
program analysis methods, serial port handling, automated web server
interactions, QoS routing for wireless applications, MIMO MANET routing
protocols for layers 1-3, and penetration testing. One project involved
detection of viruses using static program analysis techniques and analysis
of programs using reverse engineering of object code. A patent application
resulted from work on that project. Authored IETF Draft standards document,
and performed work implementing standards-based security according to ISO
27001, ITU X.805, and 3GPP. Founded penetration-testing group and physical
testing network, within Bell Labs Internet Research Lab. Authored research
papers based on project work.
Research Assistant
Worked on Secure and Qualified Multicast Trees, a project funded by DARPA.
Teaching Assistant
Assisted upper division (Computer Networks) and lower division (Intro. to
Programming) courses.
"Tree Creation and Repair for Qualified Multicast"