Currently this work is visible at the E2 building at UCSC, it is scheduled to be removed on or before May 1.
about 6400
about 10
5 hours
Time-Lapse Movie:
To get enough of the colors needed, we had to buy about 14,000 post-it notes. This is what 14,000 post-it notes look like:
Assembly: (all night shots are © Jo Chou)
More assembly pictures.
Some daytime shots
Contact: inioinio☺
Inspiration: Post-it® note
Trogdor, Pengo's Pixel Art
Sprites: Zeon of Spriters Resource
Access: Prof. Jim Whitehead, UCSC School of Engineering & UCSC Economics department
Hosting: UCSC SoE, UCO/Lick, Johns Hopkins ACM, UCSC Student Media, Eric Perlman,