My Brain  

Assistant Professor
Psychology & Computer Science

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I am an assistant professor of psychology and computer science. Most people think that this is a strange combination, but it makes a certain amount of sense if you are willing to think of the brain as a very complex computer, as I do. Both the brain and a computer receive inputs from the surrounding environment, process those inputs in some fashion, and then decide on an appropriate course of action.

At heart, what I am interested in is cognitive science, and especially how we can utilize the similarities between the brain and the computer to better understand how the mind/brain system works. To this end, I do research in cognitive psychology that includes computational modeling, as well as research in artificial intelligence. I also dabble in robotics a bit (though I am far from an expert!).



Lentz 307

Carthage College
2001 Alford Park Dr.
Kenosha, WI 53140
(262) 551-5943

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