Dave tries out Hugh's new glider

Hugh Ross got a new hang glider over the summer of 1998, a Wills Wing Ultra Sport. Here are a few pictures of Dave Broyles trying it out.

Here's the glider, all set up and ready to go. Isn't it beautiful??? (That's the Allen, TX city water tower in the background.

Everything is checked over and Dave hooks in. You can see the tow rope's parachute laying on the ground in the lower right-hand corner of the picture.

Dave does a hang-check before launching. The nose of the glider is pulled down to the flying position and the pilot hangs from the hang-straps and checks to make sure everything is in place, buckled, locked, etc. (Dave's not hanging yet, in this photo; when he does it, he'll be prone with his feet off the ground.)

The tow starts and Dave starts running with the glider. He'll be airborne within a couple of seconds.

Dave flies overhead. I think he likes it!

Another safe landing! Dave flares just before touching down by pushing out on the control bar which shifts his body weight rearward, which causes the nose to pitch up into a flare.

Thanks to Theresa Austin for taking these photos and loaning them to me.