I am currently at Cisco Tetration Analytics.
I completed my PhD from the Computer Communication Research Group (CCRG) lab under Professor J.J. Garcia-Luna-Aceves .
I completed my undergraduate in Computer Science from UC San Diego.
My undergraduate mentors were
Amin Vahdat (UCSD) and
Kim Baldridge (SDSC)
Software https://github.com/dnlove
Current Projects
Past Projects
places emphasis on naming the data instead of their location. This design hopes to adapt to the current Internet's usage patterns due to the majority of internet's traffic being data retrieval and service access. It may result in stronger network security, routing scalability, and built-in support for conferencing applications. Content-Centric Networking is especially attractive in mobile wireless networks because of the decoupling of hosts and locations. More importantly, local sharing is natively supported, thus eliminate the need for redundant data dissemination. To this end, CCNx, Haggle, NetInf, and among others, are giving serious attempts at implementing the future Internet architecture. Currently, we are building conferencing tools on CCNx and integrating it with Junction.
J. Wei, D. Nguyen, C. Tzeng, S. Ramaswamy. "Collaborative Conference Applications in Content Centric Networks." Demo and Poster presented at The 1st CCNx Community Conference, Sept.9, 2011, Palo Alto, CA
D. Nguyen, J.J. Garcia-Luna-Aceves, C. Westphal. .Throughput-Centric Rate Adaptation for MIMO Systems.
in submission Preprint:
D. Nguyen, J.J. Garcia-Luna-Aceves, C. Westphal. .Throughput Enabled Rate Adaptation in Wireless Networks. Proc. International Conference on Computing, Networking and Communications, San Diego, California, January 28-31, 2013 Preprint: http://users.soe.ucsc.edu/~duy/tera.pdf
J. Wei, D. Nguyen, J.J. Garcia-Luna-Aceves, K. Nichols .Experience with Conferencing Applications in Content Centric Networks. The 10th Annual IEEE CCNC- Multimedia Networking & Services & Applications Preprint: http://users.soe.ucsc.edu/~duy/cca.pdf
D. Nguyen, J.J. Garcia-Luna-Aceves, C. Westphal. .Multi-rate Adaptation with Interference and Congestion Awareness. Proc. 30th IEEE International Performance Computing and Communications Conference, Orlando, Florida, November 17-19, 2011.
D. Nguyen, J.J. Garcia-Luna-Aceves. .A Practical Approach to Multi-rate Adaptation for Multi-Antenna Systems. The 19th IEEE International Conference on Network Protocols (ICNP'11), Oct. 17-20, 2011, Vancouver, Canada
D. Nguyen, J.J. Garcia-Luna-Aceves, and K. Obraczka, "Collision-Free Asynchronous Multi-Channel Access in Ad Hoc Networks," Proc. IEEE Globecom 2009 Ad Hoc, Sensor and Mesh Networking Symposium, 30 Nov. - 4 Dec., 2009, Honolulu, HI.
S. Bromage, J. Koshimoto, C. Engstrom, M. Bromage, V. Petkov, B. Nunes, H. Taylor, K. Obraczka, S. Dabideen, M. Hu, R. Menchaca-Mendez, D. Nguyen, D. Sampath, JJ Garcia-Luna-Aceves, H. Sadjadpour, B. Smith, "SCORPION: A Heterogenous Wireless Networking Testbed", ACM SIGMOBILE Mobile Computing and Communications Review Volume 13 Issue 1, January 2009
Sudholt, W.; Baldridge, K.; Abramson, D.; Enticott, C.; Garic, S.; Kondric, C.; Nguyen, D. Application of Grid Computing to Parameter Sweeps and Optimizations in Molecular Modeling. Future Generation Computer Systems (Invited), 2005. 21, 27-35.