Devo's 65 Chevy Page

This is my latest toy. It's a 1965 C3 1ton Chevy pickup truck with a 10 foot utility bed. I plan on getting rid of the Utility bed and installing a fleetside bed. The truck also has an in-line 6, not sure what size yet, but I'm hoping it's a 292, so I can just swap it with a new 292. (I just found the tip to determining the 292 motor is to check if the engine towers -the part between the motor mount and the frame- are the same on both sides. If not--- you've got a 292. IF they are mirror images of eachother, then you have any of the other Chevy motors.) I hope to have a web-page for the truck here or someplace else soon. Initially it will be a work truck, and then when I don't need a work truck, I'll restore it.
What is a good blue/purple color for my truck... very dark. -- Acutally I think I found it. Sheridan Blue found on old Ford pickups. There is a Jaguar Blue that looks good too.

As I find stuff to put here, you'll see it. I'd like to put an Idea gallery here, similar to Van's. See his page for some of the coolest stuff so far... I like the ideas for getting rid of the tailgate chains.
Oh and by the way, My truck is identical to his "original" pictures except that I've got a utility bed.

New Location with Pictures:

My new: Devo's 65 Chevy Page has pictures. And will have all my updates.