Supplementary research material

This page lists the code and data resources used to support the paper:

Alex J. Nelson, Erik Q. Steggall and Darrell D. E. Long, "Cooperative mode: Comparative storage metadata verification applied to the Xbox 360," in Proceedings of the DFRWS 2014 US Annual Conference, August 2014.

Errata for the paper will be here, but may move in the future if appropriate.


The Elsevier template used for formatting draft documents includes section numbers. The final prints do not, but still allow the \section macros to resolve to section numbers. In light of that, here is a table of contents for referencing section numbers:

Table of Contents
2Background: Theory and frameworks3
2.1Digital Forensics XML3
2.2Differential analysis3
3Analytic subject: Xbox 360 and the XTAF file system4
3.1The XTAF filesystem4
3.2Partition management4
4Designing XTAF data4
5Improving DFXML and differencing for tool evaluation5
5.1Formalizing the DFXML language5
5.2Implementing new DFXML Python bindings5
5.3Modularizing idifference.py5
5.4Byte runs to note more than content locations6
6Programs extended for DFXML comparison7
6.3The SleuthKit7
7Tools developed for DFXML comparison7
7.1UPartsFS: Extending single-partition file system parsers7
7.2FSNView: A single-data, multi-interpreter DFXMLreporter7
8Evaluating multi-tool analysis of Xbox 360 storage7
8.1Artifact recovery9
9Related work9
9.2Other tool comparison in storage forensics9
9.3Xbox analysis10
10Future research10


The code projects are maintained on Github.

The tools are tracked in FSNView as Git submodules. That is, FSNView specifies the exact code version of each of these tools.

File system parsers

The SleuthKit and Fiwalk

Storage system analysis suite. Fiwalk was the original DFXML generator. Original development credit to Brian Carrier, Basis Technologies, Simson Garfinkel, Kevin Fairbanks, and others.


XBox 360 analysis suite. Contains tools for analyzing files particular to the XBox 360. Original development credit to "Arkem."


Userspace reference implementation for XTAF parsing. Original development credit to René Ladan.

File system meta-analysis tools

Digital Forensics XML

C and Python libraries for creating and analyzing DFXML files and objects.

Digital Forensics XML Schema

Specification of DFXML document structure.


Userspace partition table file system. Presents disk partitions as virtual files.


N-Version Programming realization for file system parsing. Compares DFXML generated by multiple tools.

Commit used in DFRWS '14: d165169e092f8b581f93d19b41467836e21d294a.

Other tools

Bulk Extractor

Pattern-searcher tool.

Commit used in DFRWS '14 for credit card scanning: 7579457faf91e713861240e5776fc66c085b7454.

Commit used in DFRWS '14 for HTTP header scanning: 05c533fbf48059354c072987af06083c9c96449a. This commit is available from my development repository.


The data supporting this paper are available at Digital Corpora.

In DFRWS '14, FSNView at the above commit was run on DRIVE2_TIME_FINAL.E01.

Last modified: 2015-08-18T12:08:43EDT.